Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Time Passes

It is with deep shame that I realize I've not posted since *cough* May. Lots has been happening in my world, all of it grand. My life is now divided between the books debuting in the US and the UK so we'll do a list so you folks don't have to read a lot:

The United Kingdom:
1) UK cover is live. It rocks! I LOVE the demon wing graphic and the word on the Interwebs is that other folks do too.
2) The UK version of the book (entitled DEMON TRAPPERS: FORSAKEN) is available at various locations, including Book Depository which is selling it at a pre-order price of half-off. (Such a deal)
 3) I've completed the copy edit of this book. Next up is the page proofs.

The United States:
1) US cover is still in production, but I've seen an early mock-up and it's way cool. Lots of urban fantasy goodness to it. US title: THE DEMON TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER (no link yet)
3) US copy edit and page proofs have been reviewed and returned. Next stage is Advanced Reading Copies which will be circulated to reviewers, bookstore buyers, etc.

The Work in Progress:
1) Book #2 is due to the US editor mid-August (eep!) After we've completed revisions it will be sent to the UK for their revisions. US version does not have a title yet. UK version: DEMON TRAPPERS: FORBIDDEN

And the now for the really awesome news -- we got publication dates!!!

DEMON TRAPPERS: FORSAKEN (MacMillan's Children's UK) will be published Jan. 7, 2011
THE DEMON TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER (St. Martin's Griffin US) will be published Jan. 13 Feb. 1, 2011

January is gonna be one very busy month, folks.

That's the update. Will try not to be so quiet from this point on. And now that obligatory link to something cool on the Web. Check out the photos. Somedays I feel like the croc with the hippos.


Sandy said...

I can't wait to see the US cover, I like Urban fantasy coolness ^_^.

I'm tempted to preorder the UK cover on Book Depository too just for the cool deal but what will I do if I love the US cover more? And if that's possible then cover designers are just gods, I say, GODS.

Jana Oliver said...

The US cover should be made public pretty soon I suspect. I'd hold off until it is revealed and then you can judge which one is more cool for you.

There are some differences between the US and UK books in terms of grittiness (the UK version is toned down a smidge) but the story is the same.

Unknown said...

I just discovered the UK cover went live this month and I'm so glad you like it! Macmillan UK chose my photo to be on the cover (the girl at the top), and I'm so glad they did. This book sounds terrific!

Jana Oliver said...

WOW! This is incredible. I LOVED the picture. It made Riley (my heroine) come to life. We don't get to see much of the girl's face on the US cover. You really made that cover shine.

I'm following your tweets now. And your website - OMG it's gorgeous!!!