Monday, February 28, 2005

ShevaCon Post Mortem

ShevaCon, for those of you not in the SF&F world, is an annual convention in Roanoke, VA. Never been to Roanoke before and where I didn't get to see that much of the town, the delightful drive through the mountains to get there was quite nice. It's rather brown this time as year as spring hasn't taken hold, but on the whole, it was a pleasant trip.

ShevaCon offered a number of delights; reconnecting with friends such as authors Laura Underwood, David Coe, Steve Miller & Sharon Lee. All of these folks are just really high on the 'neat' meter. Also spent some time shooting the breeze with Stephe Pagel, head honcho at Meisha Merlin (an Atlanta publisher.) Stephe's always got good war stories. And I made the acquaintance of Tee Morris, noted scoundrel and author. Tee's a thespian and hence, lives large. Not in frame, mind you, but in cracking jokes and generally carrying on. Never dull. I interviewed Tee for a DIY Author Show in my makeshift hotel room studio so our general silliness has been immortalized. In general, the company at ShevaCon was some of the best I've encountered in a long time.

The panels were nifty, as well. Lots of senior folks around with decades of good wisdom to share. And Nth Degree's party was well worth the time to drop by, mix up a Rum & Diet Coke (I know, I should be shot) and nosh on their Oreos. Always a good combination - rum and Oreos.

In a couple of weeks, I'm off to Greensboro for StellarCon and then over April Fool's weekend, it's MidSouthCon in Memphis. Yup, the con season is in full swing which means my suitcase never really gets unpacked. Oh well, it beats staying home and stripping old wallpaper. But that's another story...

For those dying to check out the authors and others mentioned above:

Laura J. Underwood --
David B. Coe --
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller --
Tee Morris --
Meisha Merlin Publishing --
Nth Degree - The Fiction & Fandom 'Zine --


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